Today started off kinda crappy. I woke up too late, which puts me in slow-mo all day.
Mason started fussing shortly after he woke up, the little guy's teething right now. He fed most of his breakfast (grapes, Greek yogurt, and eggs) to the dogs. After awhile, I put him down for his afternoon nap.
Even though I'm not feeling like workin out today. I put in the video, and start working on my SIX PACK. Half way through the video, I think that I accidentally replayed the first week video. Urghh!! Now... I'm not going to stop half way through my crunches, and sweat, to fix the problem. I'm to lazy to start another video all over again. The whole time I'm working out, all I can think about is what kind of exercise I can throw in later to make up for my Big Mistake.
Right after I finish my video, MY SON WAKES UP. Which means he only slept for about 20 min. He needs to sleep for at least an hour to be a happy baby again. So here we go... I'm sure my day will get better.
Okay, Danielle now tell yourself about one positive thing that's happened today, to turn this day around: I stuck to my commitment and did my KettleWorx. Thats definitely better than just sitting around on my lazy butt.
well good job :)