My mood has changed a bit since I haven't been able to workout. It's been about 4 days now, and I'm feeling lazy and sluggish. I injured my knee, and haven't been able to do my KettleWorx videos, because they require I do like a million squats. I'm feeling pretty frustrated, because I want to continue this program so bad. I committed to the 6 week program, and I was the end of my 5th week when my knee became all F'ed up.
I'm trying to find things to do that doesn't require that I use my knee, but I am no personal trainer. I end up just lifting some weights for a little bit, and doing a bunch of crunches, and some sit ups. This is horrible. I need a program. I need to be able to zone out, and just copy someone else's moves.
I started thinking about how I can drop some more weight, and because crystal meth is out of the question, I figured I'm going to have to be more strict with my diet. Urghh.... I love food. So today I started thinking that even if I loose 2lbs a month that's 24lbs, and I would still be smaller then I've been the last couple of years.
So... I'm trying to stay positive, and patient, and hopefully things will start working in my favor. After my knee heals, I'm going to get right back on this program. Hopefully I'll find other workouts in the mean time, but I'll definitely be keeping my diet in check.
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