Monday, July 2, 2012

Super Trendy Nerds!!

Why are nerds so trendy right now? Could it have anything to do with famous billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg, creating the biggest social website of all time? Or things like, the Emmy Award winning show, The Big Bang Theory? Either way nerds are in.

Remember the 90's when everything that was trendy was either 5 sizes to big, or sagging off your ass? The 90's were really a rejection of fashion, when piercings and tattoos started to take over, and shaving was not a necessity.  Well I'm super glad those times are over.

Men's Fashion-
Take a risk and throw on either some suspenders or a bow tie to complete a casual wear outfit. Wear fitted clothes! But, remember guys, skinny jeans on men are on their way out, this means no more men wearing womens clothing. Also guys, QUIT WAXING YOUR EYEBROWS!!! Some of the things that women love about men is their brute toughness. This makes women feel protected and secure. Trust me, men with waxed eyebrows does not say tough. Okay . . . . so if your a little metro then a slight wax is okay. However, if your eyebrow's start to resemble the chola that lives next door, that draws her eyebrows on with whatever sharpie's laying around, then you've gone to far!!

Women's Fashion-
I love that several generations of fashion is in right now. From the 1920's flapper, to the 1980's neon colors, pretty much everything goes. Match your favorite pink dress, to a hot pink nail color, from your local drug store. Throw on a few simple accessories and head out of the house feeling sexy and confident. Dont be afraid to use really bright colors this summer, and white is a must! Just remember that leapord everyone is wearing, because guidos are doing it big right now, is not going to stick either, so wear it while you can.

The Nerd Fashion is now acceptible too. So feel free to throw on your vintage Star Wars t-shirt, and head out of the house feeling confident. Those vintage tee's are also a great conversation starter at your local grocery store.

Check out this cool article I found, it's kinda funny...

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