Sunday, August 19, 2012


I steadily gained weight before, and after, I got married. I maintained my heaviest weight for about two years, and had pretty much lost all hope of ever being thin again. I donated all my skinny clothes, and accepted the life I had made for myself.

I assumed that in order to loose weight, I had to eat very little, and exercise every single day. Which was something I was not willing to do, so I pretty much gave up.

As most of you know I started out doing the KettleWorx videos, not really expecting to loose weight, or to enjoy it AT ALL. In the back of my mind I still had doubt that this would be something I would actually stick to. After about the first week of doing the KettleWorx, I started becoming more motivated. I was feeling sore from working out, but I wasn't working out everyday, and I wasn't totally exhausting myself. I started to realize that I might be able to complete the 6 weeks.

The more I worked out the better felt. The more confident I became. I was motivated by my sister and husband, who did the workouts with me. Even though they are a great support system, I realized that my success wasn't based on their success. This means, even if they missed a day working out, it didn't mean I had to too. In the past I put to much faith in other people, like my husband, to help motivate me to workout. I now know the only person I can expect results from are from me, and no one else. It's up to me to eat right and exercise. I'm ready to give this my all and succeed!.

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